Welcome to Coco's Technical Lego

Hi I'm Coco on this website you can see all of the technical Lego I have done ,and I will post picture's of my Lego !



My technical Lego Catamaran boat

My technical Lego sailing boat is really cool because everything moves and you can control the sail , rudder (steering)and foil(for speed).

Why I love technical Lego

Why I love technical Lego is because I like doing technical Lego with my dad and doing technical Lego helps me calm down when I am annoyed


My technical Lego racing buggy

My technical Lego racing buggy is really cool because everything moves and the doors , suspension (shock absorber) and the wheels move too.



It is a model of a foil racing catamaran there were 143 stages in the instructions  I really enjoyed building this with Coco 

[ Cocos dad ]

 I really hope I  can I can inspire you to do technical Lego please ask any questions about technical Lego !   

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